Why God Evangelistic Outreach!!!Awww.. It was awesome. Praise God!!! All glory to him. :)
Special thanks also go out to...
DOYLE of cos! For organising! Putting in lots of effort in planning and executing... We cannot help but agree we make a good team. Ha.
Pamela! For organising the street evangelism.
Jia En, Mingmin and Russell, our publicity team! For designing such powerful postcards and helping with the video and prayer cards.
Hospitality and Helps team! For doing such a great job with the board, drawing station, registration, picture taking, setting up everything so early and making people feel so welcome.
Leaders and core group members! Who came early to pray and create excitement to welcome ppl.
LZR + LZR make a formidable team don't you think? Not only were you two entertaining, you all really brought up some points which really brought up the theme too..
Worship team! Great job in leading the people to worship. And for forking out time to rehearse too!
Ee Foo and Felicia. Cheers to the courage to stand in front of a crowd and share so openly! God was glorified and lives were touched...
Glenn our speaker! NICE. Very inspiring message that spoke to believers and non-believers alike. Really am thankful that he managed to prepare this in spite of his super busy schedule. He just came back from Turkey after receiving an award and even had the whole saturday packed with stuff la.
Melissa and Kaiyang! Gosh. Didn't your hearts melt when you heard them sing?
Samson Lam and Jane! PA + Powerpoint super important woa.. THANKS.
Joshua Ho! For helping us do the floor lights even though it was sooo last minute. ha.
Everyone who invited friends! Haha.. To be honest, i was planning the outreach just for non-believers. Not for YPMers. Haha.. Outreach ma. But you all played very important roles in asking ppl to come! I believe God worked so strongly that his glory was shown to all, even those already Christians.
It is only the beginning ya? Hope that everyone is even more encouraged and passionate to keep sharing! Paul wasn't ashamed of the gospel, and we shouldn't be too! May zeal for the Lord consume you... :)