Monday, August 27, 2007

Nothing is irredeemable

Philip Yancey writes in his book - Prayer. Does it make any difference?

In all my prayers, whether I get any answers I want or not, I can count on this one fact: God can make use of whatever happens. Nothing is irredeemable.
'Teach me, O God, so to use all the circumstances of my life today that they may bring forth in me the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin,' prayerd the author John Baillie:

Let me use disappointment as material for patience.
Let me use success as material for thankfulness.
Let me use trouble as material for perseverance.
Let me use danger as material for courage.
Let me use reproach as material for long suffering.
Let me use praise as material for humility.
Let me use pleasures as material for temperance.
Let me use pain as material for endurance.

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